Considering Buying An Air Source Heat Pump In 2023?

Heat pump installations in the UK are still lower than in other European countries. However, with gas and electricity bills rising, more people are investigating this type of technology. 

Heat pumps offer many benefits including the fact they’re much more efficient than a gas boiler and produce three or four times the energy they use. They’re also durable, require minimal maintenance and last for around 20 years before they need replacing. 

Better yet, thanks to the government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme, homeowners can get £5,000-£6,000 grants towards heat pump installation until April 2025. Because heat pumps emit no carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide or particulates, they help to improve the air quality indoors and outdoors.

Air source heat pumps are a brilliant choice for those looking to significantly reduce their heating bills.

Alto Energy installs these types of heat pumps at residential and commercial buildings, including:

  • Mitsubishi Ecodan Air Source Heat Pump. The ideal choice for those seeking a simple renewable solution that’s more cost effective than traditional heat systems. 

  • Samsung GEN 6 Air Source Heat Pump. These heat pumps are easy to install and an affordable solution for many domestic heating and small commercial projects.

  • Bosch Air Source Heat Pumps that are setting new standards in terms of efficiency levels. One big benefit is that no groundworks are required to complete the project.

Find out more about our air source heat pumps or contact our friendly team today.