Explore The Many Advantages Of Air Source Heat Pumps

Every other day there’s new stories about the impact of climate change. Although the weather has been lacklustre in Britain, this summer has been another record-breaking year in terms of high temperatures elsewhere in the world. 

One of the biggest challenges is how to heat people’s homes, which contributes to 16% of the UK's carbon dioxide emissions. Getting rid of old gas boilers and fires is just one of the important steps we can take to improve the climate. 

If you’re ready to change to heat pump technology, Alto Energy Limited is here to help you do it. Whether you’re a homeowner, developer or self-builder, we supply and install heat pumps to the finest standards.

Why choose air source heat pumps if upgrading your heating system?

The number one system proposed to replace gas boilers is the heat pumps. There are several types of these available with air source heat pumps the most popular. 

Not only are they energy-efficient, they use one of the most renewable resources available: the air. Although heat pumps cost more than boilers initially, for every unit of energy you put in, you get up to three units of heat out.

In the long-term, heat pumps can also save you money, because they generally have lower operating costs.

Find out more about the benefits of air source heat pumps. Or contact our team for more details.