Get your Project Started with our Ground Source Heat Pump Installers

Heating our homes contributes around 14% of the UK's carbon emissions, which is a significant amount. Consequently,  the government is encouraging homeowners and businesses to choose heat pumps to replace gas and oil boilers.

With the Government grants for heat pumps having been increased, there’s never been a better time to introduce them at your property. This month the Prime Minister announced incentives of at least £5,000 to install heat pumps or biomass boilers would be increased to at least £7,500.

This boost to the rollout of heat pumps looks to make it cheaper and easier to have them installed. The Government is not only providing higher but more varied grants to improve access to low-carbon heating

You can also enjoy simpler energy performance requirements. So far,  £81 million worth of heat pump vouchers have been issued across the UK. According to recent research on, 92% of surveyed heat pump owners said they were highly satisfied with the technology after two winters.

Alto Energy Limited installs ground source and air source heat pumps across the UK. 

If you’re having heat pumps retrofitted, we can provide advice on what will be involved in introducing heat pumps to your property. We work with a wide range of clients, including homeowners, developers, architects and self-builders. 

Find out more about our ground source heat pump installers. Or don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.