5 Reasons To Upgrade To Heat Pumps In The UK

Heat pumps have been the norm in countries like Scandinavia for many years. However, they’re still not prevalent in the UK. 

Nonetheless, along with a rise in the number of solar panels over the past few years, this is likely to change. Here’s just five reasons to consider making the transition in 2024:

  1. They can help make your property more sustainable and prepare it for the future.

  2. Safeguard yourself against rising energy bills. Although energy bills are predicted to fall slightly in the spring (typically, when the weather starts to improve!), the prices still remain highly unpredictable. 

  3. Get rid of your old gas boiler. The heating of our homes is one of the biggest contributors towards global warming. Since gas boilers are gradually being phased out, there’s never been a better time to get rid of yours. 

  4. You can get generous grants from the Government for this technology. Heat pumps run on electricity and don't emit planet-warming carbon dioxide. They are therefore the technology of choice for most homes in the UK as we move towards net zero. That’s why the Government is providing excellent grants (under the BUS scheme) for this technology.

  5. Heat pumps have a long lifespan, especially compared to other heating systems. When you make an investment in this type of technology, it’s likely to last for a long time. 

Alto Energy is true specialists in heat pump technology and look to be your guide to sustainably heating. We work with a wide range of clients, including homeowners, self-builders, developers and architects across the UK. 

If you’re ready to introduce heat pumps to your property, simply get in touch for more information.