
Net Zero Scotland - Heat Pumps

Net Zero Scotland - Heat Pumps

Scotland is leading the way in generating electricity through renewable sources. In fact 97.4% of the country’s electricity is from a renewable source. Despite this progress, there is a big job to do decarbonising energy in the transport and heat sectors, as stated by Head of Policy at Scottish Renewables, Morag Watson.

Heat Pumps to Help Scotland Reach Net Zero

Heat Pumps to Help Scotland Reach Net Zero

The Scottish Government has published a vision to transform the way buildings in Scotland are being heated. This is to ensure all buildings are more efficient and warmer and to help reach net zero emissions by 2045.

Heating Scotland's Homes

Heating Scotland's Homes

In a report published in the summer of 2020 it was revealed that 93.3% of Scotland’s heat is produced by oil and gas. This is very high, and means that despite being one of the best countries in Europe for clean power, Scotland is one of the worse for clean heat.

New Renewable Heat Scheme for Homeowners in Scotland

New Renewable Heat Scheme for Homeowners in Scotland

The Scottish Government has announced a new £4.5 million cashback incentive to help people install renewable measures in their homes. This includes the likes of ground source heat pumps and air source heat pumps.

Company Update: Heat Pump Services For Scotland

Company Update: Heat Pump Services For Scotland

We are very excited to announce that we have taken on a new engineer in Scotland, as well as opening a new branch in Scotland! So if you have a project in Scotland and you’re considering heat pumps, or you have a heat pump already and require a service before the Winter, get in touch today, or read on to find out more…