Need A Trusted Ground Source Heat Pump Supplier?

Replacing your gas or oil boiler could be cheaper than you think. As of this year, consumers can receive grants through the £450 million Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). 

This scheme has been developed to encourage people to replace fossil fuel boilers with efficient low-carbon heat pumps. The latter are not only better for the environment. Low-carbon heating technology can help to protect households from record high oil and gas prices.

BUS means that over 3 years from 2022-2025, property owners will be able to get up to £5,000 off the cost and installation of an air source heat pump, and £6,000 off the cost and installation of a ground source heat pump.

Alto Energy Limited is a leading supplier of the latest and best heat pumps.

We supply and install both ground and air source heat pumps from leading brands. Whether you’re a homeowner or developer, we offer highly competitive prices. Our packages cover all aspects of the process, from the design and installation through to maintenance.

We have a great choice of heat pumps to choose from, including IVT for whom we are the sole UK supplier. IVT is now one of the most established brands for ground source heat pumps in Europe. This brand has an excellent reputation for producing this type of technology.

If you’re looking for a supplier of ground source heat pumps, contact our friendly team for more details.