
BBC: What Are Heat Pumps?

BBC: What Are Heat Pumps?

In a recent report by the International Energy Agency, it was recommended that no new gas boilers should be be sold from 2025. Full stop. In an article from the BBC, they’ve looked at the alternatives, in particular heat pumps, which will become the “new normal” for heating over the next decade.

Ban Boilers From 2025 To Achieve Net Zero!

Ban Boilers From 2025 To Achieve Net Zero!

In it’s latest special report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has recommended that no new fossil fuel boilers should be sold from 2025, if the world is to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050. Instead, homes should be heated by low carbon technologies such as ground source heat pumps and air source heat pumps.

Government Pledges to Ban Boilers In New Homes By 2025

Government Pledges to Ban Boilers In New Homes By 2025

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, has today announced the Government’s commitment to ban fossil fuel heating from new homes by 2025. In today’s Spring Statement, Hammond confirmed the introduction of a new standard for new build homes will be introduced by 2025, in order to future-proof new build homes with low carbon heating, such as heat pumps.